Information and links about inclusions. What is inclusion and inclusive education.What laws support inclusion and LRE – Least Restrictive Eenvironment.
Find classic books to read online, author webcasts, festivals and booklists for adults at
Adaptive Tech Solutions offers a complete line of affordable assistive technology devices and special needs products to help ren and adults with disabilities.
Welcome to Southeastern Handicapped Services. SHS is an integrated workshop that helps the handicapped and disadvantaged through jobs ranging from sales, verifying, clerical, data entry, training, and collections to packaging and/or shipping.
Genetically Handicapped Persons Program. The Genetically Handicapped Persons Program (GHPP) is a health care program for adults with certain genetic diseases.The GHPP helps people who are on GHPP with their health care needs.
A nationally acclaimed Wheelchair Van Assistance Program for adapted vehicles. Provides an estate legacy and meaningful continuity for the donor family. Best tax deduction, since the handicapped vehicle is transferred to a needy family, veteran at …
Our Mission. To provide “At No Cost” full body (ROM) range of motion exercise on back to as many certified disabled ren and adults as possible.
Can someone have a disability and NOT have a handicap? What is a disability? What is a handicap?
Disability is a contested concept, with different meanings in different communities. It may be used to refer to physical or mental attributes that some institutions, particularly medicine, view as needing to be fixed (the medical model).